Since this is the last week of school before the holidays, each day will be a different 'spirit day':
Monday-Red and Green day
Tuesday-PJ day
Wednesday-Reindeer day
Thursday-Elf day
Friday-Santa Hat day
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Thank You
to everyone who took part in our 2nd Annual
"Chirstmas In The Meadows".
"Chirstmas In The Meadows".
What a great night we had!
A Special THANK YOU goes out to everyone who helped in some way. Whether it was donating cookies, crafts, raffle prizes or volunteering your time in some way. We could not have had the wonderful evening we had without your involovement!
You are appreciated!
Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season!
Monday, 10 December 2012
We are 3 days away from a great family night! We will be putting everything together in the next couple of days. Here are some things you should know...
P.S. If your child signed up to be in the Carolling Choir, we've asked that they come that night wearing a "Santa Hat."
If your child is an Elf volunteer (only grade 6 - 8's) we are asking them to wear an "Elf hat".
- We are still in need of COOKIES and CRAFT MATERIALS.
- If there is anyone else who would like to donate a RAFFLE item...PLEASE, feel free! We've got some great ones so far...but would benefit from a couple more.
- PEOPLE TO GIVE 15 - 20 MINUTES AT THE END OF THE EVENING TO HELP CLEAN UP. (Putting chairs away, tidying activity rooms)
- For EVERY item you bring to donate to the Orangeville Food Bank, you will recieve a ticket. So, if you bring 5 items, you will recieve 5 tickets....10 items, 10 tickets and so on. You will then write your name on the back of the ticket and place your tickets in the container in front of the item you hope to win. You can choose as many raffle items as you have tickets for or put them all into 1. Raffle items will be selected at 8:00 p.m. and announced at 8:15 p.m.
- Santa will be doing a story time with the children from 6:30 - 6:40 p.m. He will then need 10 or so minutes to get ready in the Photo area. Parents can go to the photo room and sign up to have their kid's pictures taken. You will be given a number and an approximate time for your picture to be taken. If you are #25 and it is still early in the evening, you are free to roam and participate in other activities and just come back periodically to see if it is close to your time slot. Pictures cost $5.00 per picture and will will sent home (in a Santa Picture Frame) with your child on either Thursday or Friday of next week. You will also be emailed a copy of your picture.
P.S. If your child signed up to be in the Carolling Choir, we've asked that they come that night wearing a "Santa Hat."
If your child is an Elf volunteer (only grade 6 - 8's) we are asking them to wear an "Elf hat".
Sunday, 9 December 2012
Special Christmas Surprise
The following note was published in the Orangeville Banner this past Thursday. We thought you as families would like to take special note:
Elementary public school students that were planning on attending A Gift To Last with their schools can now attend any public performance at the special student rate of $11 (all inclusive).
In addition, Theatre Orangeville is extending the special rate of $11 (all inclusive) to an accompanying adult
Additional adult tickets can be purchased for the regular price of $33 (matinees) or $40 (evenings).
This offer extends to students of Mono Amaranth, Hyland Heights, Island Lake, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Laurelwoods, Primrose, and Credit Meadows public schools.
A Gift To Last runs at Theatre Orangeville through to Dec. 23.
A Gift To Last is suitable for ages eight and up. Tickets for this special offer must be purchased by calling the
I’ve just had final confirmation from the North Pole that Santa Claus himself will indeed be able to join us here at Theatre Orangeville during the Sunday matinees of A Gift To Last on
Theatre Orangeville is currently offering “Special Student Pricing”
for our holiday production of A Gift To Last.
Elementary public school students that were planning on attending A Gift To Last with their schools can now attend any public performance at the special student rate of $11 (all inclusive).
In addition, Theatre Orangeville is extending the special rate of $11 (all inclusive) to an accompanying adult
(limit one adult per order).
Additional adult tickets can be purchased for the regular price of $33 (matinees) or $40 (evenings).
This offer extends to students of Mono Amaranth, Hyland Heights, Island Lake, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Margaret, Laurelwoods, Primrose, and Credit Meadows public schools.
A Gift To Last runs at Theatre Orangeville through to Dec. 23.
A Gift To Last is suitable for ages eight and up. Tickets for this special offer must be purchased by calling the
Theatre Orangeville Box Office directly at 519-942-3423.
I’ve just had final confirmation from the North Pole that Santa Claus himself will indeed be able to join us here at Theatre Orangeville during the Sunday matinees of A Gift To Last on
Dec. 16 and 23.
A special visit from Santa, candy canes and complimentary DQ Grill and Chill ice cream for one and all —
A special visit from Santa, candy canes and complimentary DQ Grill and Chill ice cream for one and all —
it just doesn’t get any better that!
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Today (Wednesday) a letter was sent home regarding the withdrawl of certain services from the teachers in the Upper Grand Board. We want to assure you of a couple of things...
1. Although teachers are unable to collect money and forms, students can still bring in their Food Order Forms AND Christmas In The Meadows Forms and take them directly to the office first thing each morning. There are School Council volunteers available to receive all forms that have been requested.
2. In the event of a strike, Christmas In The Meadows will STILL HAPPEN! This is a School Council run activity and does not require teacher participation. We are looking forward, with great anticipation, to a wonderful evening with the families of CMES. Our first Carolling Choir rehearsal happened today and it was AWESOME!
If you are able to volunteer your time that evening, PLEASE, contact Barb White at
THANK YOU to the many families who have taken part in our 1st (hopefully annual) CMES BOOK DRIVE. Your donations have been AWESOME .... and very much appreciated! There are still 2 days left to bring in your donations.
Your School Council
Today (Wednesday) a letter was sent home regarding the withdrawl of certain services from the teachers in the Upper Grand Board. We want to assure you of a couple of things...
1. Although teachers are unable to collect money and forms, students can still bring in their Food Order Forms AND Christmas In The Meadows Forms and take them directly to the office first thing each morning. There are School Council volunteers available to receive all forms that have been requested.
2. In the event of a strike, Christmas In The Meadows will STILL HAPPEN! This is a School Council run activity and does not require teacher participation. We are looking forward, with great anticipation, to a wonderful evening with the families of CMES. Our first Carolling Choir rehearsal happened today and it was AWESOME!
- COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES, COOKIES! (Peanut Free) So far we only have 7 packages.
- RAFFLE PRIZES. You can drop any donations off in the office or contact Barb White to let her know what you will be donating.
- Refreshment Coordinator
- Craft Room Coordinator
- Food Bank/Raffle Coordinator
- Grade 7 & 8 Christmas Elves to help in the various activity stations. (A note went home today with all grade 7 & 8 students.)
If you are able to volunteer your time that evening, PLEASE, contact Barb White at
THANK YOU to the many families who have taken part in our 1st (hopefully annual) CMES BOOK DRIVE. Your donations have been AWESOME .... and very much appreciated! There are still 2 days left to bring in your donations.
Your School Council
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Blog Question of the Week
Christina H! You will receive your card this week!
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
Question: (Week of December 1 - 7)
What had to be cancelled on Monday, Dec.3rd and when will the next one be?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
The draw for the November card will take place this Friday, November 30th.
Christina H! You will receive your card this week!
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
Question: (Week of December 1 - 7)
What had to be cancelled on Monday, Dec.3rd and when will the next one be?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
The draw for the November card will take place this Friday, November 30th.
Upcoming Dates to Remember...
Monday, December 3 - Friday, December 7th.
FOOD FORMS (January - March, 2013)...
are due back by Friday, December 7th.
Thursday, December 13th, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
** RSVP's Due back Friday, December 7th
** We are still looking for 2 - 3 more adult volunteers
** We are in need of LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS
of C O O K I E S! (Peanut Free) Please drop off your
donations in the front foyer.
** We are hoping to have several donations of Raffle
Prizes. If you are able to donate and item or Gift
card/Certificate or a service from your business,
please let Barb White know by Monday, December
10th at the latest. THANKS in advance for your
generosity towards our school!
Monday, December 3 - Friday, December 7th.
FOOD FORMS (January - March, 2013)...
are due back by Friday, December 7th.
Thursday, December 13th, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
** RSVP's Due back Friday, December 7th
** We are still looking for 2 - 3 more adult volunteers
** We are in need of LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS
of C O O K I E S! (Peanut Free) Please drop off your
donations in the front foyer.
** We are hoping to have several donations of Raffle
Prizes. If you are able to donate and item or Gift
card/Certificate or a service from your business,
please let Barb White know by Monday, December
10th at the latest. THANKS in advance for your
generosity towards our school!
Our School Council Meeting, scheduled for Monday, December 3rd, has been cancelled due to some unforseen circumstances. Our next meeting with be on Monday, January 14th. Mrs. Crandall will be presenting the School Improvement Plan that the staff have been working on. Be sure to schedule it on your calender!
Announcements Week of November 26 - 30
Winter has finally come - and we have snow on the ground. Students need to remember that the snow must stay on the ground. Throwing or kicking snow at others is not safe and therefore not allowed.
Monday, 26 November 2012
DON'T FORGET! Anxiety Workshop
Anxiety Workshop
A presentation by the Child and Youth Mental Health Staff,
Dufferin Child and Family Services.
Wednesday, November 28th
6:30—8:00 p.m.
Credit Meadows Library
Refreshments provided.
Please RSVP to Nancy Turner
519-941-7487 ext. 500 or
Blog Question of the Week
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
What are the 4 most common types of bullying?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
The draw for the November card will take place this Friday, November 30th.
What are the 4 most common types of bullying?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
The draw for the November card will take place this Friday, November 30th.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Bully Prevention Week...November 19 - 22
Bullying Prevention Week
November 19 - 22, 2012
Below you will read the announcements that are happening each day this week in an effort to better help our children understand what bullying is and how they can help prevent it. Take some time this week to talk to your children about what they are learning.
Bullying is behaviour that makes the person being bullied feel afraid or uncomfortable. There are many ways that young people bully each other, even if they don't realize it at the time. Some of these include:
- Punching, shoving and other acts that hurt people physically.
- Spreading bad rumours about people.
- Keeping certain people out of a group.
- Teasing people in a mean way.
- Getting certain people to "gang up" on others.
- Verbal bullying - name-calling, sarcasm, teasing, spreading rumours, threatening, making negative references to one's culture, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, unwanted sexual comments.
- Social Bullying - mobbing, scapegoating, excluding others from a group, humiliating others with public gestures or graffiti intended to put others down.
- Physical Bullying - hitting, poking, pinching, chasing, shoving, coercing, destroying or stealing belongings, unwanted sexual touching.
- Cyber Bullying - using the internet or text messaging to intimidate, put-down, spread rumours or make fun of someone.
How common is bullying?
Approximately 1 in 10 children have bullied others and as many as 25% of children in grades 4 to six have been bullied. Studies have found bullying occurs once every seven minutes on the playground and once every 25 minutes in the classroom.
In the majority of cases, bullying stops within 10 seconds when peers intervene, or do not support the bullying behaviour.
A bullied child is often powerless to stop the bullying without outside help. Enlisting the help of a trusted adult is one of the best ways for a child to put a stop to the bullying behaviour.
Research shows that bullying can be effectively reduced when victimized children tell an adult, and persist in telling until their request for help is heard.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Blog Question of the Week
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
What is the School Council hosting on Wednesday, November 28th?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the November card will take place on Friday, November 30th. You have 4 opportunities to enter this month. Keep checking back with us every Friday for a new question.
What is the School Council hosting on Wednesday, November 28th?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the November card will take place on Friday, November 30th. You have 4 opportunities to enter this month. Keep checking back with us every Friday for a new question.
Announcements Week of November 5 - 9
All DFS order forms were due back by today, Friday, November 9th. We are unable to process late orders. THANK YOU to everyone who took part in our Deilieman Fundraiser. We will keep you posted for the dates when order pick ups will happen.
The school had a WONDERFUL Remembrance day assembly this morning. Students shared their poems and songs along with wreaths made by each class. We were also thankful for Jamie Blacklock, a parent of two of our students, who played the bagpipes for the was a real treat!
On Wednesday, November 28th, the School Council will be hosting an Anxiety Workshop for parents who have children who struggle with issues that produce anxiety in them. This is a FREE seminar and will run from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the library.
The school had a WONDERFUL Remembrance day assembly this morning. Students shared their poems and songs along with wreaths made by each class. We were also thankful for Jamie Blacklock, a parent of two of our students, who played the bagpipes for the was a real treat!
On Wednesday, November 28th, the School Council will be hosting an Anxiety Workshop for parents who have children who struggle with issues that produce anxiety in them. This is a FREE seminar and will run from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. in the library.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Blog Question of the Week November 2 - 8
Congratulations to Brenda T
for being our very first winner!
You will receive your card next week.
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
As of November 1st, what closes down for the winter season?
Send in your answer to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the November card will take place on Friday, November 30th. You have 4 opportunities to enter this month. Keep checking back with us every Friday for a new question.
School Council Meeting Agenda, November 5th
CMES School Council Meeting
Monday, November 5th, 3:15 - 5:15 p.m. in the library.
Childcare is provided.
All parents are welcome!
PRINCIPALS REPORTSpecial Guest: Constable Scott Davis - Community Update
Old Business
1. Anxiety Workshop Update
2. Trees update
3. Book Drive update
4. Deileman Fundraiser update
5. Christmas In the Meadows update
6. Setting Goals for the 2012-2013 school year.
7. Rocks & Rings
OPEN FLOOR (Opportunity for questions)
Announcements Week of October 29 - November 2
From Mrs. Gallaugher in the office: At the beginning of October, a number of students received white envelopes addressed to their parents regarding important forms that needed to be completed by parents and returned to the school. This is the second notice that was sent. There are still a number (approximately 50) forms that have not been returned. These forms need to be sent to the office as soon as possible so that records may be updated. Thank you for your help in this matter.
DFS FUNDRAISER...we are heading into the final week of our special fundraiser. Here are some things to take note of:
Special Note: Now that November has arrived our climbers are now closed for the winter season.
Photos: Individual photo retakes and class pictures were taken on Tuesday.
Pizza day was moved to Thursday due to Halloween celebrations on Wednesday.
DFS FUNDRAISER...we are heading into the final week of our special fundraiser. Here are some things to take note of:
- All taxes are included in the price of the item. There is no need to collect taxes.
- Payment must be included with the forms next week. All cheques can be made out to Credit Meadows School Council.
- Orders forms can be sent in anytime next week (November 5 - 9). The ABSOLUTE final day to receive orders is Friday, November 9th. We cannot accept late orders.
- Please send the white & yellow copies of the order form, along with all payment, in either a legal sized envelope or ziplock bag with your child's name and teacher on the front.
- Your orders should arrive at the school during the week of December 10th.
- Our Goal is $10,000.00 in sales allowing us to earn $4500.00 profit.
It is GREATLY appreciated!
Special Note: Now that November has arrived our climbers are now closed for the winter season.
Photos: Individual photo retakes and class pictures were taken on Tuesday.
Pizza day was moved to Thursday due to Halloween celebrations on Wednesday.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Blog Question of the Week - October 26th
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
"What percentage of funds can we earn if we raise $10,000.00 or over in our DFS fundraiser?
Send in your answers to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the October card will take place on Friday, November 2nd.
"What percentage of funds can we earn if we raise $10,000.00 or over in our DFS fundraiser?
Send in your answers to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the October card will take place on Friday, November 2nd.
Announcmements Week of October 22 - 25
REMINDER....tomorrow is a PD Day (Friday, October 26th)...No School!
CONGRATULATIONS to our Crazy Shoe Contest Winners...Rowan, Nate and Katie.
Our Grade 5's spent the week at Earth Keepers.
Our Grade 8's had a Careers Day.
DON'T FORGET...Picture retakes and Class pictures will happen next Tuesday, October 30th
Our DFS Fundraiser package went home today.
They are due back by Friday, November 9th.
We are unable accept late orders.
Please take some time to read over the information and see how you want to be involved. There is a great rewards program for our students, make sure you read it! Keep in mind, we have the potential to earn up to 45% profit through this fundraiser if we hit $10,000.00 in sales. 43% if it is under $10,000.00. This is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping in the comfort of your own home. Get your kid's to show their catalogue to grandparents, aunts & uncles, neighbours & friends. Every little bit counts.
CONGRATULATIONS to our Crazy Shoe Contest Winners...Rowan, Nate and Katie.
Our Grade 5's spent the week at Earth Keepers.
Our Grade 8's had a Careers Day.
DON'T FORGET...Picture retakes and Class pictures will happen next Tuesday, October 30th
Our DFS Fundraiser package went home today.
They are due back by Friday, November 9th.
We are unable accept late orders.
Please take some time to read over the information and see how you want to be involved. There is a great rewards program for our students, make sure you read it! Keep in mind, we have the potential to earn up to 45% profit through this fundraiser if we hit $10,000.00 in sales. 43% if it is under $10,000.00. This is a great opportunity to do some Christmas shopping in the comfort of your own home. Get your kid's to show their catalogue to grandparents, aunts & uncles, neighbours & friends. Every little bit counts.
Friday, 19 October 2012
Blog Question of the Week...Friday, October 19th
Your chance to win a $5.00 Tim Horton's gift card...
"What does DFS stand for and when is the final day?
Send in your answers to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the October card will take place on Friday, November 2nd.
"What does DFS stand for and when is the final day?
Send in your answers to Don't forget to include your name.
You have one more chance to enter for the October Timmies Card next Friday. The draw for the October card will take place on Friday, November 2nd.
Announcements Week of October 15 - 19
Some Friendly Reminders...
GETTING EXCITED!!!!!!!!! On Thursday each student will be taking home their DFS (Deileman Fundraising Solutions) package. This is our 1st (of 2) major fundraisers for the coming year. Please take the time to fully read the information so that your family will know how they can best be involved! This fundraiser will take place from October 25th through November 9th.
- Students who are bringing scooters and skateboards to school...they should not be used on school property and that extra caution needs to be used when going up and down the stairs with these items, especially scooters as they can easily get in the way of others and be a tripping hazard. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.
- During Indoor recess students are expected to find a place to settle/sit - students can play board games, do puzzles, talk with friends, read, etc...students are not allowed to be running around, no throwing objects and no balls are allowed. Please remember that this is indoor time and activities must be settled and safe.
- All classrooms have now been equipped with their own recess equipment in their blue bags. For this reason equipment will no longer be available for sign-out from the office so students are not to come down to the office anymore to sign out equipment. Classes are encouraged to develop their own sign out system for their equipment.
GETTING EXCITED!!!!!!!!! On Thursday each student will be taking home their DFS (Deileman Fundraising Solutions) package. This is our 1st (of 2) major fundraisers for the coming year. Please take the time to fully read the information so that your family will know how they can best be involved! This fundraiser will take place from October 25th through November 9th.
Friday, 5 October 2012
Quick Survey Results
THANK YOU ,from your school council executive, for your good response to our Quick Survey that we sent out a couple of weeks ago concerning council meetings and when is the best overall time for them to be held. We really appreciated those who sent back their forms indicating that they are either not interested or are just unable due to busy life schedules. We realise that this is the case for the majority of our parent community and we just really appreciate what you are able to do in the time that best suits you.
For those who did respond with an interest in being part of the school council. The majority indicated that Monday's at 3:15 seem to work best for the most people. So, for the coming year our council meetings will continue to happen on the 1st Monday of each month from 3:15 - 5:15 p.m., with child care provided in the gym with 3 very capable grade 8 girls.
Always remember, your voice matters and you can always connect with your school council executive through our email addresses found on your monthly calenders or on the website. You are always able to leave a message for us at 519-941-7487 ext. 500. and we will return your call as soon as possible. We really believe we are part of a great school community and it's all of us together that makes it work so well!
For those who did respond with an interest in being part of the school council. The majority indicated that Monday's at 3:15 seem to work best for the most people. So, for the coming year our council meetings will continue to happen on the 1st Monday of each month from 3:15 - 5:15 p.m., with child care provided in the gym with 3 very capable grade 8 girls.
Always remember, your voice matters and you can always connect with your school council executive through our email addresses found on your monthly calenders or on the website. You are always able to leave a message for us at 519-941-7487 ext. 500. and we will return your call as soon as possible. We really believe we are part of a great school community and it's all of us together that makes it work so well!
Weekly Announcments October 1 - 5
THANK YOU to everyone for supporting our Terry Fox Run - especially to the students who made and sold bracelets. They raised over $100.00. In total we raised over $400.00!
CONGRATULATIONS to all our Cross Country Runners who took part in the race on Tuesday! You represented Credit Meadows extremely well!!!!!!
1. to all students that rough play in NOT ALLOWED.
2. that our large climber is currently closed until further notice. Also, the outdoor stage is not suitable for use and is off limits to students.
A Fire Drill took place on Thursday morning.
THANK YOU to the CMES community for supporting our BOOK FAIR - it was a great success. Congratulations to Nate who won the family book order draw and received $25.00 in books for himself and $25.00 in books for his class.
INDIVIDUAL PICTURES were taken on Friday. A reminder that re-takes and Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, October 30th.
CONGRATULATIONS to all our Cross Country Runners who took part in the race on Tuesday! You represented Credit Meadows extremely well!!!!!!
1. to all students that rough play in NOT ALLOWED.
2. that our large climber is currently closed until further notice. Also, the outdoor stage is not suitable for use and is off limits to students.
A Fire Drill took place on Thursday morning.
THANK YOU to the CMES community for supporting our BOOK FAIR - it was a great success. Congratulations to Nate who won the family book order draw and received $25.00 in books for himself and $25.00 in books for his class.
INDIVIDUAL PICTURES were taken on Friday. A reminder that re-takes and Class pictures will be taken on Tuesday, October 30th.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Boys and Reading
There is a nation wide (and world wide) disparity between girls and boys and their literacy skills. Research shows that boys are having trouble reading, and that boys are getting worse at reading. No one is quite sure why. Some of the reasons may be biological. Some of the reasons may be sociological.
The good news is that research also shows that boys will read — if they are given reading that interests them. Boys also need to see male role models reading. If you are looking to help motivate your child into becoming a life long reader, click on these links to get ideas on how you, as a parent can help your child:
The Guys Read site provides a list of books of books that may be of interest to your child:
The Ministry of Eduation also has this great resource:
Let's help our children get excited about reading! Let's show them how you can get lost in a great book.
The good news is that research also shows that boys will read — if they are given reading that interests them. Boys also need to see male role models reading. If you are looking to help motivate your child into becoming a life long reader, click on these links to get ideas on how you, as a parent can help your child:
The Guys Read site provides a list of books of books that may be of interest to your child:
The Ministry of Eduation also has this great resource:
Let's help our children get excited about reading! Let's show them how you can get lost in a great book.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Announcements Week of September 24 - 28, 2012
FOOD FORMS were due last Monday. If you have not sent in your food forms as of yet, there may be a chance that it will not be able to be filled for the month of October.
JUNIOR SOCCER TEAM...played in a tournament on Tuesday and represented CMES extremely well. They tied two games and won 1 game. Pretty good for not being able to practice! Way to go Cobra Soccer players!!!!!!!
CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS in grades 1 - 8 have been busy preparing for their meet this coming Tuesday.
STUDENT stay away from the treed area on the yard and to leave the small stone gravel under and around the climbers on the ground.
TERRY FOX RUN was a great success on Friday afternoon. Everyone participated well! Thanks to those parents who came and participated as well! Also, to the girls who made and sold bracelets to raise money for the run...great job girls!
SCHOOL COUNCIL QUICK SURVEY...Thank you to the many parents who took the time to fill out the survey. We will have the results early on next week.
REMINDERS for the coming week...
Wednesday is WALK TO SCHOOL DAY. Students will be taking a notice home on Monday with information on the "Crazy Shoe" contest.
Wednesday is PIZZA DAY!
Friday is PICTURE DAY. Individual pictures will be taken. Class pictures and re-takes will happen on October 30th.
Friday is POPCORN DAY.
JUNIOR SOCCER TEAM...played in a tournament on Tuesday and represented CMES extremely well. They tied two games and won 1 game. Pretty good for not being able to practice! Way to go Cobra Soccer players!!!!!!!
CROSS COUNTRY RUNNERS in grades 1 - 8 have been busy preparing for their meet this coming Tuesday.
STUDENT stay away from the treed area on the yard and to leave the small stone gravel under and around the climbers on the ground.
TERRY FOX RUN was a great success on Friday afternoon. Everyone participated well! Thanks to those parents who came and participated as well! Also, to the girls who made and sold bracelets to raise money for the run...great job girls!
SCHOOL COUNCIL QUICK SURVEY...Thank you to the many parents who took the time to fill out the survey. We will have the results early on next week.
REMINDERS for the coming week...
Wednesday is WALK TO SCHOOL DAY. Students will be taking a notice home on Monday with information on the "Crazy Shoe" contest.
Wednesday is PIZZA DAY!
Friday is PICTURE DAY. Individual pictures will be taken. Class pictures and re-takes will happen on October 30th.
Friday is POPCORN DAY.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Announcements September 17 - 21
Junior Soccer Team tryouts happened during recess on Friday. (Grades 4 - 6).
A School Council "Quick Survey" went home on Friday concerning timing of council meetings. Please take some time to fill it out and return it by next Friday, September 28.
MEET THE TEACHER is happening this coming Thursday (Sept. 27th). The BBQ begins at 5:00 p.m. Teachers will be in their classrooms from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. The BOOK FAIR will be happening in the library from 5:30 - 7:00 as well. If you haven't returned your BBQ order form, please get it in by Monday morning.
**** We could also use a few more volunteers for the evening. Is there a dad or two out there who would be willing to BBQ for us from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.? We could benefit from a couple more servers from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. as well. Email Barb White @ if you can help.
The Annual Terry Fox Run is happening this coming Friday in the afternoon.
DON'T FORGET.........October - December Food Order Forms are due back this coming Monday, September 24th.
A School Council "Quick Survey" went home on Friday concerning timing of council meetings. Please take some time to fill it out and return it by next Friday, September 28.
MEET THE TEACHER is happening this coming Thursday (Sept. 27th). The BBQ begins at 5:00 p.m. Teachers will be in their classrooms from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. The BOOK FAIR will be happening in the library from 5:30 - 7:00 as well. If you haven't returned your BBQ order form, please get it in by Monday morning.
**** We could also use a few more volunteers for the evening. Is there a dad or two out there who would be willing to BBQ for us from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m.? We could benefit from a couple more servers from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. as well. Email Barb White @ if you can help.
The Annual Terry Fox Run is happening this coming Friday in the afternoon.
DON'T FORGET.........October - December Food Order Forms are due back this coming Monday, September 24th.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Announcments Week of Sept. 10-14
Please note changes:
September Pizza day order forms were due on Wednesday.
The bulk food order forms for October - December go home today (Friday, Sept. 14) and are due back next Friday, Sept. 21st.
Looking ahead to next week...
- Picture Day is now scheduled for FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th. Only individual pictures will be taken on this day. Retake day is scheduled for Tuesday, October 30th and class pictures will be happen on this day.
- Terry Fox School Run will take place on Friday, September 28th in the afternoon.
- Ms. Gammage is looking for grade 6,7 & 8 student volunteers to help with the the run.)
September Pizza day order forms were due on Wednesday.
The bulk food order forms for October - December go home today (Friday, Sept. 14) and are due back next Friday, Sept. 21st.
Looking ahead to next week...
- 1st School Council Meeting of the year is happening on Wednesday, September 19th, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Child care is unavailable. Make sure you read through the information sheet that came home this past week.
- "Meet The Teacher" BBQ food forms are due back no later than Thursday, September 20th.
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
The exectuive positions for our School Council have been acclaimed and therefore no voting will need to take place. These are the people who have been willing to take on the leadership roles for the coming year.
Chair: Barb White
Secretary: Krystal Martin
Treasurer: Lorrie Wren
Our first School Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Childcare will be unavailable for this meeting. This is a special introductory meeting to give parents an opportunity to find out how our School Council works. We encourage as many parents as possible to come out. There will be a chance to hear from our principal, Mrs. Crandall as well as the new council exective. We will have a dicussion on goals for the coming year and a Question & Answer time. Voting will take place for regular voting members of the council for the coming year at this meeting as well as our October meeting on Monday October 1st.. Our regular meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 3:15 p.m. Childcare is provided.
We're looking forward to seeing you there.
An information sheet went home today, Wednesday.
Chair: Barb White
Secretary: Krystal Martin
Treasurer: Lorrie Wren
Our first School Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 19th at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Childcare will be unavailable for this meeting. This is a special introductory meeting to give parents an opportunity to find out how our School Council works. We encourage as many parents as possible to come out. There will be a chance to hear from our principal, Mrs. Crandall as well as the new council exective. We will have a dicussion on goals for the coming year and a Question & Answer time. Voting will take place for regular voting members of the council for the coming year at this meeting as well as our October meeting on Monday October 1st.. Our regular meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 3:15 p.m. Childcare is provided.
We're looking forward to seeing you there.
An information sheet went home today, Wednesday.
Date Change Notice
1. The Terry Fox Run has been moved to Friday, September 28th.
2. PICTURE DAY has been changed from Friday, September 28th to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH. The picture day on the 5th will only be individual pictures. Picture Retake day will be on Tuesday, October 30th and class pictures will be taken on that day.
1. The Terry Fox Run has been moved to Friday, September 28th.
2. PICTURE DAY has been changed from Friday, September 28th to FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5TH. The picture day on the 5th will only be individual pictures. Picture Retake day will be on Tuesday, October 30th and class pictures will be taken on that day.
Monday, 10 September 2012
Announcements September 4 - 7
A special welcome to all our new students and their families.
Also, welcome to our new staff:
Ms. Borman - Morning Kindergarten class
Ms. Mangos - Grade 5/6
Mrs. Cummings - Child and Youth Worker
Mrs. Hall - Educational Assistant.
Ms. Gourley - Student Teacher in Mrs. Ecclestone's classroom
ATTENTION: All students who played Library Bingo or Reado over the summer...Your cards were due back on Friday.
REMINDER: ALL are to stay away from our portables and the outdoor stage.
STUDENTS WHO GO OUT FOR LUNCH...particularly Intermediates...please remember NOT to bring food or drinks onto the yard as this attracts wasps and bees and we have students with serious allergies to wasps and bees. Thank you for your help with this.
A special welcome to all our new students and their families.
Also, welcome to our new staff:
Ms. Borman - Morning Kindergarten class
Ms. Mangos - Grade 5/6
Mrs. Cummings - Child and Youth Worker
Mrs. Hall - Educational Assistant.
Ms. Gourley - Student Teacher in Mrs. Ecclestone's classroom
ATTENTION: All students who played Library Bingo or Reado over the summer...Your cards were due back on Friday.
REMINDER: ALL are to stay away from our portables and the outdoor stage.
STUDENTS WHO GO OUT FOR LUNCH...particularly Intermediates...please remember NOT to bring food or drinks onto the yard as this attracts wasps and bees and we have students with serious allergies to wasps and bees. Thank you for your help with this.
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Correction to the September Calender
You should have received your School Council folder today with the September calender. We would like to make a correction for the "Meet The Teacher" BBQ on Thursday, September 27th. The time should be 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. If you could make note of that correction we would greatly appreciate it. We will be sending home a form in a couple of weeks to give more information concerning the evening.
Thanks! Hope your first couple of days back have gone well!
Thanks! Hope your first couple of days back have gone well!
Monday, 3 September 2012
Well, here we are after 68 days away! We're looking forward to another great year at CMES! Welcome to all our new families joining us for the first time and welcome back to all the families returning for another year.
We wanted to let you know that each family will be receiving a special "School Council" folder either today or tomorrow (for new JK families). This folder will have all the "1st day" paper work that comes home from School Council. There are some REALLY IMPORTANT PAPERS that you need to read asap! We're hoping that this folder will help keep the papers you will receive from us throughout the year organized and in the same spot so you don't have too far to look for them. Feel free to keep a copy of the monthly newsletter, calenders, special invitation and food order forms and anything else we send home in it.
We hope that your child's first day back will be a great one!
Don't forget to check in on us a couple of times each week to see what's happened over the week. We will post the weekly announcements every Friday.
All the best to your families for the 2012 - 2013 school year!
We wanted to let you know that each family will be receiving a special "School Council" folder either today or tomorrow (for new JK families). This folder will have all the "1st day" paper work that comes home from School Council. There are some REALLY IMPORTANT PAPERS that you need to read asap! We're hoping that this folder will help keep the papers you will receive from us throughout the year organized and in the same spot so you don't have too far to look for them. Feel free to keep a copy of the monthly newsletter, calenders, special invitation and food order forms and anything else we send home in it.
We hope that your child's first day back will be a great one!
Don't forget to check in on us a couple of times each week to see what's happened over the week. We will post the weekly announcements every Friday.
All the best to your families for the 2012 - 2013 school year!
Friday, 24 August 2012
12 days and counting....
Can you believe the summer is almost over and school begins in less than 2 weeks! I wanted to remind you that we have been doing a small fundraiser throughout the summer with Lovable Labels. It came to my attention last week when I decided I wanted to tryout these labels for the coming school year, that the web address I posted on the yearend newsletter had an extra "e" that should not have been there. Once I figured that out it was quick and easy to order my labels and I was pleasantly surprised to have them in my mailbox within 3 days of ordering them! Anyway, if you are interested in trying to keep your kid's more organized and not losing all their stuff this year, I would highly recommend trying out some labels. Here is the correct web address
Feel free to pass it on to family and friends anywhere across Canada.
We'll see you on the 4th!
Thursday, 19 July 2012
School Council By Laws and Nomination Forms
Please visit the School Council portion of the CMES website to read the School Council By-Laws and download a copy of the nomination form if you are interested in becoming a member of the School Council:
We would love to see you at the meetings!
We would love to see you at the meetings!
Monday, 25 June 2012
Announcements for the week of June 18-22
The Great CMES Book Round Up continues. Congratulations to our first three classes who have all their books in: Mrs.Wellman's, Mr.V's and Mrs.MacPherson's. The first 3 classes that got all their books in will receive popsicles!
Congratulations to to all the Track Team participants. We had many athletes place in their events. Everyone put their best effort forward and a great day was held by all! If you left anything at the track and field meet, check the downstairs lost and found.
Come one, come all! The raffle for Mr.Wren's posters have begun. Tickets are $1 each or 3 for $2.
On Thursday there was a student teacher volleyball game at lunch.
The Kindergarten graduation was on June 22.
Congratulations to to all the Track Team participants. We had many athletes place in their events. Everyone put their best effort forward and a great day was held by all! If you left anything at the track and field meet, check the downstairs lost and found.
Come one, come all! The raffle for Mr.Wren's posters have begun. Tickets are $1 each or 3 for $2.
On Thursday there was a student teacher volleyball game at lunch.
The Kindergarten graduation was on June 22.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Announcements June 11 - 15

A special note: One of our students, Alex M not only placed first in the running of the 1500 metres on Wednesday evening in the Bantam division, but also set a new county record! Way to go Alex!
The BAKING CLUB is well underway baking up a storm for our grade 8 graduation celebration next Tuesday, June 26th. This year our School Council has taken on preparing for the refreshment time at the end of the ceremony. WE ARE LOOKING FOR a few parents who could help us in a couple of ways....
1. If you have any spare time during the day on Tuesday, June 26th, would you be willing to help us cut up squares and prepare treat plates and fruit trays for the evening? Or...
2. Would you be free on the actual evening of graduation from approx. 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. to help organize and run the refreshment time?
IF YOU ARE ABLE TO HELP IN ANYWAY, please contact Barb White at ASAP. Thanks for considering helping for this very special evening.
STUDENT COUNCIL is busy planning a special play day for our primary and junior students this coming Friday afternoon. It's gonna be a great time!
The grade 2 students held their annual "Releasing of the Butterflies" last Wednesday.
The grade 6 French Exchange students welcomed their friends from Quebec on Wednesday. Mrs. Lenny tells us that it was a great experience for everyone!
Cookie day was switched from Friday to Monday of this week due to the Track and Field meet on Friday.
A special Thanks to Ms. Bouwmeester who headed up a special "Fun Day" on Friday for all those students not involved in the Track and Field meet or in the French exchange. A fun day of games, bubbles and freezies were enjoyed by all who were here!
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Go Cobras!
Friday, June 15 is track and field day at ODSS. Come out and support our CMES Cobras and all kids from our local schools! It is always a great day and the weather forecast is beautiful.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Announcements Week of June 4 - 8
Sorry this is late but here are the announcements from last week.
The Yearbook has been sent off to the printer. We have ordered a few extra just in case you missed out. They will be available on a first come first serve basis and should be at the school by Friday, June 22.
Student Council has been busying meeting and planning some special year end events.
Track & Field tryouts have been happening almost every day. The Track and Field meet will take place on Friday, June 15th at ODSS.
The Green Machine was busy beautifying our school grounds by helping to spread the mulch that was delivered last week. If you have a green thumb and would like to help keep the front of the school looking nice, please connect with us and let us know.
On Tuesday the teachers, staff and students hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Tea in the Library. It was an AWESOME morning of treats and special presentations. A BIG thankyou to those who prepared for this wonderful event - and to the MANY parent volunteers we have here at CMES. We couldn't do what we do without you!
A special note of congratulations goes out to all those students who represented our school at the annual Optimist Bike Rodeo on Saturday, June 2nd. All of our students did an awesome job and came home with several awards!
A reminder from the Library...The Great CMES book round up is well underway. ALL library books are now due in the library and remember the first 3 classes to have all their books in will receive freezies!
We have been enjoying daily special announcements by LL & KG celebrating Mrs. Bonikowsky who will be retiring at the end of June.
Friday, 1 June 2012
Weekly Announcements May 28 - June 1
Grade 6's are finished as of today, Friday.
Grade 3's will be finished on Tuesday of next week.
Grade 4's enjoyed a day at the Outdoor Ed Center on Monday.
Grade 7's had an amazing time at the Brock Leadership Program in St. Catherine's.
Grade 8's spent some time this week at ODSS to help prepare them for next year.
"Bags to School" fundraiser's deadline was extended until today. Thanks to those who took part in this fundraiser for our Student Council.
NO skateboards, bikes, scooters and electronic devises are to be used on the school yard. It is a students responsibility to follow these school and board rules.
Students were encouraged to check out the lost and found tables in the front foyer. Any unclaimed clothing was bagged up and put into the "Bags to school" fundraiser.
Just a reminder that all student books must be returned to the library by Thursday, June 7th. As in the past, the first 3 classes to get all their books in will receive freezies.
Grade 6's are finished as of today, Friday.
Grade 3's will be finished on Tuesday of next week.
Grade 4's enjoyed a day at the Outdoor Ed Center on Monday.
Grade 7's had an amazing time at the Brock Leadership Program in St. Catherine's.
Grade 8's spent some time this week at ODSS to help prepare them for next year.
"Bags to School" fundraiser's deadline was extended until today. Thanks to those who took part in this fundraiser for our Student Council.
NO skateboards, bikes, scooters and electronic devises are to be used on the school yard. It is a students responsibility to follow these school and board rules.
Students were encouraged to check out the lost and found tables in the front foyer. Any unclaimed clothing was bagged up and put into the "Bags to school" fundraiser.
Just a reminder that all student books must be returned to the library by Thursday, June 7th. As in the past, the first 3 classes to get all their books in will receive freezies.
Friday, 25 May 2012
Weekly Announcements May 22 - 25
Yearbook News
YEARBOOK ORDER's not too late to order! We've decided to extend the ordering until Wednesday, June 6th. If you haven't gotten one yet - why not consider it!
Student Council News
Student Council is collecting bags of used clothing as a mini fundraiser to help cover costs of some yearend activities. Why not consider spending some time this weekend bagging up the clothes your kids have grown out of and even some that you may have grown out of and send it in to the school by Monday, May 28th.
Library News
Our school hosted the Forest of Reading Silver Birch day. Over 150 students from surrounding schools came and participated on Tuesday with a wide range of activites for all of them. Great job Ms. Gammage on a very successful day!
News from The Pond
Our students in The Pond, along with several student helpers & teachers, competed in the Special Olympics on Wednesday. A great time was had by all.
Regarding the use of electronic devices at school (ie: ipods, cell phones, etc...)
Students ARE NOT to be using these devices at school between 8am and 4pm unless a teacher has given you permission insidet he classroom under direct teacher supervision. Therefore, students should NOT be texting in the halls of the school at ANYTIME.
EQAO began this past week and will continue for the next couple of weeks.
Two fire drills were held this past week on thursday and Friday.
The Intermediate Track & Field tryouts have been happening all week.
The Bike Rodeo was held on Friday morning with well over 40 students taking part. Results will be posted next week to see which student will respresent our school next Saturday and the community Bike Rodeo
YEARBOOK ORDER's not too late to order! We've decided to extend the ordering until Wednesday, June 6th. If you haven't gotten one yet - why not consider it!
Student Council News
Student Council is collecting bags of used clothing as a mini fundraiser to help cover costs of some yearend activities. Why not consider spending some time this weekend bagging up the clothes your kids have grown out of and even some that you may have grown out of and send it in to the school by Monday, May 28th.
Library News
Our school hosted the Forest of Reading Silver Birch day. Over 150 students from surrounding schools came and participated on Tuesday with a wide range of activites for all of them. Great job Ms. Gammage on a very successful day!
News from The Pond
Our students in The Pond, along with several student helpers & teachers, competed in the Special Olympics on Wednesday. A great time was had by all.
Regarding the use of electronic devices at school (ie: ipods, cell phones, etc...)
Students ARE NOT to be using these devices at school between 8am and 4pm unless a teacher has given you permission insidet he classroom under direct teacher supervision. Therefore, students should NOT be texting in the halls of the school at ANYTIME.
EQAO began this past week and will continue for the next couple of weeks.
Two fire drills were held this past week on thursday and Friday.
The Intermediate Track & Field tryouts have been happening all week.
The Bike Rodeo was held on Friday morning with well over 40 students taking part. Results will be posted next week to see which student will respresent our school next Saturday and the community Bike Rodeo
Friday, 18 May 2012
Announcements for the Week of May 14-18
French Exchange
The French exchange students left for Quebec on Wednesday. We wish them a great trip and look forward to seeing them back at school on Tuesday.
There was lots of sports action this week!
Congratulations to this years' badminton CHAMPIONS, Katie and Alex! They both won all of their games.
Coaches are very proud of the effort put forth by both the boys and girls basketball teams! The boys played a tough game but came up short in points to take the title. The girls final was also a tough game and they came home with GOLD! What an excellent season. Congratulations to both teams.
The Intermediates have been practicing track and field before and after school. Tuesday May 22 @8am is the 1500M try-out. After school is the long jump try-out.
The Band practiced this week.
Yearbook orders were due in today (May 18).
The lost and found bins are overflowing! Please have your child check them for any of their belongings.
Enjoy your long weekend!
The French exchange students left for Quebec on Wednesday. We wish them a great trip and look forward to seeing them back at school on Tuesday.
There was lots of sports action this week!
Congratulations to this years' badminton CHAMPIONS, Katie and Alex! They both won all of their games.
Coaches are very proud of the effort put forth by both the boys and girls basketball teams! The boys played a tough game but came up short in points to take the title. The girls final was also a tough game and they came home with GOLD! What an excellent season. Congratulations to both teams.
The Intermediates have been practicing track and field before and after school. Tuesday May 22 @8am is the 1500M try-out. After school is the long jump try-out.
The Band practiced this week.
Yearbook orders were due in today (May 18).
The lost and found bins are overflowing! Please have your child check them for any of their belongings.
Enjoy your long weekend!
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Yearbook order forms are due back this coming Friday, May 18. Have you ordered one for your family yet?
Friday, 11 May 2012
Weekly Announcements May 7 - 11
Congratulations to everyone who entered our Yearbook Coverpage Contest! Everyone did a great job! Special congratulations goes out to our top 5 - Sam, Naomi, Karrisa, Sydney and Rayanne. Our 1st runner up was Sydney and our winner this year is Naomi! Congratulations!
Yearbook ORDER FORMS went home on Thursday. If your child did not bring one home they are available in the office. Yearbooks are $12.00 and order forms are due back next Friday, May 18th.
Congratulations to everyone who participated! There were over 50 participants - 20 of these students managed to go completely screen free - WELL DONE! The Grand Prize winner of the $50.00 Booklore Gift Certificate is Jordyn C.
Thank you to the many students who participated in the teacher appreciation day on Tuesday. The teachers were surprised and felt very special! It's amazing what a note of appreciation can do for someone!
We also celebrated Support Staff Appreciation Day. We are so thankful for the many staff we have who work behind the scene's such as our Custodians, EA's, Child & Youth Worker and Lunchroom Supervisors. We could not do what we do without these people! Thank You... Mr. Lackey, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Auld, Mrs. Manzke, Mrs. Ulias, Ms. Lecky, Ms. McKibbon,
Ms. Pyke, Ms. Kennedy, Mr. Sobocan, Ms. Greenhalgh, Mrs. Cebrinsky, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Bergant and Mrs. Ibrahim.
Our grades 3 - 5 students participated in our local Festival of the Arts. They used their talents in singing, dancing and playing the ukeleles and represented our school well!
Both the boys and girls basketball teams represented CMES well this week in pre tournament and tournament play. Both teams have advanced to the finals! Congratulations, Cobras!
The Badminton team was busy practicing this week.
Congratulations to everyone who entered our Yearbook Coverpage Contest! Everyone did a great job! Special congratulations goes out to our top 5 - Sam, Naomi, Karrisa, Sydney and Rayanne. Our 1st runner up was Sydney and our winner this year is Naomi! Congratulations!
Yearbook ORDER FORMS went home on Thursday. If your child did not bring one home they are available in the office. Yearbooks are $12.00 and order forms are due back next Friday, May 18th.
Congratulations to everyone who participated! There were over 50 participants - 20 of these students managed to go completely screen free - WELL DONE! The Grand Prize winner of the $50.00 Booklore Gift Certificate is Jordyn C.
Thank you to the many students who participated in the teacher appreciation day on Tuesday. The teachers were surprised and felt very special! It's amazing what a note of appreciation can do for someone!
We also celebrated Support Staff Appreciation Day. We are so thankful for the many staff we have who work behind the scene's such as our Custodians, EA's, Child & Youth Worker and Lunchroom Supervisors. We could not do what we do without these people! Thank You... Mr. Lackey, Mrs. Gray and Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. Auld, Mrs. Manzke, Mrs. Ulias, Ms. Lecky, Ms. McKibbon,
Ms. Pyke, Ms. Kennedy, Mr. Sobocan, Ms. Greenhalgh, Mrs. Cebrinsky, Mrs. MacDonald, Mrs. Bergant and Mrs. Ibrahim.
Our grades 3 - 5 students participated in our local Festival of the Arts. They used their talents in singing, dancing and playing the ukeleles and represented our school well!
Both the boys and girls basketball teams represented CMES well this week in pre tournament and tournament play. Both teams have advanced to the finals! Congratulations, Cobras!
The Badminton team was busy practicing this week.
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